Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
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Thursday, July 29, 2004

Nothing new

Centre Daily Times | 07/29/2004 | Hollywood drums up buzz at comic expo: "But when fans approve, they show up in droves again and again and tell their friends. Those repeated ticket sales are a necessity if such hugely expensive movies as 'Spider-Man 2' or 'X2: X-Men United' are to turn a profit.
'Constantine,' which stars Keanu Reeves as the title character, a vigilante who comes back from the dead to fight evil, had a number of hurdles to overcome at Comic-Con.
Director Francis Lawrence said the movie title was changed from the original 'Hellblazer' because it was too close to 'Hellraiser,' the horror series about the demon Pinhead.
The look of 'Constantine' is also different: Once blond and British, Constantine is now the dark-haired American Reeves. Lawrence said he felt confident the 'Hellblazer' comics lovers could be persuaded to accept the changes.
'I think a lot of fans think we're out to make this big 'Van Helsing,' splashy, effects-laden movie, and it's not true at all. It's a character piece,' the director told the AP, referencing a recent fantasy film derided for its silliness."


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