Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Which Zoe do they mean by Zoe?????? SOMEONE TELL ME PLEASE!!!!

"Becky would like to thank all the fans who came to The Roxy last night in support of the show. Thanks to you, we had a full house and played what we feel was by far our best performance. We acknowledge how fortunate we are to bear witness to such incredible loyalty from our fans. The individuals who were in attendance last night (as well as those who could not attend but sent kind emails and messages) not only helped our professional cause, but reminded us (once again) that we would be nothing without the encouragement of our supporters.

In addition, we would like to send a special thanks to the following fans who contributed to the beautiful banner that we received prior to the show: Ascasamu, Akemi, Alex&Erica, Allie, Ally, Amanda, Andie, Andrava, Ash, Barbera, BeoTatsu, Blaskat, BlueGirl, Bubbles4KE, Bonnie, Britta, Butterfly, Canapril, Carrie, Cassvana, Cathy, Celede, Chianti, Choesnah, Cim, Clandestine, Cynthera, DarkAngel, Dawn, Debbie, DJ43, Doah64, DodieGurl, DogBand, Eeyor, Elle, EvilCookie, Geo4SCHU, Glytch, Honesty, Ibenedn, Iris, Jamarose, Janice, Jannie, Jeannie, Jenn, Jennifer, JenniferLee, Jo, Joraltaa, Joye, Karm, Keanuette, KeanuSoul, Kirsty, Krix, Kyss, LauraK, Lily18, Lizard27, Lori, Lucifer, Luna76, MazzaMazza, MrsCoolBreeze, Mynigan, Odessey, Paradox, Reese, Roberta, Rogue, Rsckramer, Sachiko, Sandi, Sandra, Schitzwa, Semper, Serena, Sirius, Solex, Tana, Tanky, TheOnlyOne, Tinkatt, Venus, WalkInSpirit, Wanda, and Zoe ... THANK YOU SO MUCH. We are blown away by your generosity and thoughtfulness. -Becky


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