Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Thursday, April 22, 2004

oh.... eh.... heh heh... um- it's 2:42AM and I still can't get myself to bed yet... so that's about 3AM. 3hrs+9hrs=12hrs=12:00PM=can't wake up early on the day before friday=ruinedplans=ohno=nothingdone!!!!! ARGH!

Okay my DREAM schedule:

-Get to spend quality time w/ My
-Get to see Ry and fam
-Get to see A
-Get to see J + L
-Get to see Rna
-Get to clean
-Get to get homework and stuff done
-Get to study
-Get sleep


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