Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Keanu post

My weekly minimum of a Keanu post is that KEANU SHOULD DO SOMETHING INTERESTING SO I CAN WRITE ABOUT HIM! lol, i'm only joking. The man is a billionaire hollywood actor, (altho he doesn't act like it)and has a very busy schedule. CAN'T WAIT TILL HIS MOVIES COME OUT NEXT YEAR... but looking ahead to all the stuff that I have to do next year- I'm having trouble deciding.
NE one see ne good Keanu sim skins?

I LOVE THE SIMS! I've been addicted since the early days of The Sims, and can't wait till it comes out. Which is saying a lot, because my favorite season is summer, and it comes out late summer.

Sigh, everything has a catch to it... lol.
You can look at Keanu, but ya can't kidnap him. DARNIT!

Sure you can have my autograph....

but WHAT? you wanna kidnap me? Okay that's going a little too far....


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