Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

A bit for isma bout Ke's love for comic books for ismas comic book obsession

INTERVIEW: COMIC-CON 2004: Keanu Reeves, Djiimon Hounsou, and director Francis Lawerence talk Constantine! - MovieWeb: "Q: Keanu, did you ever read comics as a kid?

Keanu: I read a couple, yeah...I followed...What did I like? When I read Frank Miller, I was like, 'Oh, my god! What is this?' Then when I saw Dark Knight, that series? Then when I went back to X-Men, and Frank Miller's Wolverine series, that was just awesome stuff to me. I collected some New Mutants, which came off of the X-Men. When I was a kid, it was Spider-Man. There were a couple of things. The whole idea of a graphic novel when I was a kid was just...Awesome.

Q: So, no Archie's...

Keanu: You know what? When you're in the bus, going to camp? Richie Rich...Remember Richie Rich, right?

Francis: I used to collect Richie Rich when I was a kid.

Keanu: Yeah, that's where I'd run into that.

Q: Francis, which books are you into?

Francis: I really liked Sin City a lot.

Q: Do you still read comics at all?

Francis: I do. Occasionally. I don't really collect. Nothing really comes to mind. I like Sin city a lot. Mostly for the art.

Q: Which specific story is Constantine based on?

Francis: Off of this one? It's Dangerous Habits. There's little pieces from different things. I mean, there's pieces from Original Sin. But the big through-line for this movie is Dangerous Habits. There are some definite pieces from it.

Q: Does this movie feel like a graphic novel?

Francis: No, my approach from the very beginning was to never shoot it like a comic book movie. I think that's been done before. I think it was done really well with Tim Burton's original Batman. From there, I don't think anyb"


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