Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Whoa...Surprise!!! Posted by Hello

In case you didn't notice, I changed my template. Whooohoo!... I think. Well, now the blog works much faster, and everything works like it should work. Unlike before, when I couldn't participate in on the blogger comments, and the sidebar go messed up sometimes, and and and.... stuff like that. So I updated to a newer template. It took me a while though to re-custumize it, but now the calender and stuff fits better. I also learned a lot more about blogging... YAY go me! But the skin I picked(the closest one I could find to the old one), looks kinda drabbish. I don't know. I saved the old though, so it's not permanent. Who likes this one? Who thinks this one looks drabby?
Comment comment coooooooommment!! Unfortunetely my old comments made to the site are gone :( , but now I get to do a lot more w/ comments... YAY!

Soo... who like the old blog temp. better? Votes!!!!


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