Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

It's finally sunken in

It's 2 Am and gosh i knew about the whole keanu news *much* earlier but it only just hit me just now. I hope that even if he were to marry (I tend to consider the outcome of possible bad news a lot), that all his fans will still all love him just the same and so that we don't have to break up blogs and stuff. I don't think that it'll change much though.
*tear drops*
Secondly, I just hope that he doesn't have his heart broken. I hope they have a good marriage and everything works out the way he wants it to. I will be okay, if he stays happy. I will. I will survive if this news...
Thirdly, it doesn't change that much, I guess, cuz he's still the same old Keanu... he's still our Keanu and it's not like I was going to ever marry him ne way.
***Sniff Sniff...***
Fourthly.... oh I can't think... of a fourth, one...
**************************SOBBING***** :'( *crying eyes out*

It's okay... SCREW IT... I'm just going to... go to sleep now, and hope that it all evaporates tomorrow, and I'll hope tomorrow won't be as crappy as today, and that the weather won't be so shitty either. If it is, I'll make the most of it and ... use it as a tool for my story. And if K... if the news doesn't evaporate, then I'll, just sit in front of *not his movies* the TV w/ a bunch of entertaining, distracting things, and sort this out... kinda. I'll just go deep within my story I'm writing, deep deep within the character(s) and bury myself in there, and study and practice guitar, and hide under the blankets w/ my laptop and my story some more...
I'll be fine I'll just sleep this one out and it'll be less messy tomorrow. I need some water...

See you guys later, and if it doesn't evaporate, I might spend a couple of days away, inside my story. I'll just take a vacation there, disappear and hide out there a while.

Good night everyone.... Think happier thoughts than me :) night


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