Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Thursday, August 19, 2004


Oh no oh no oh no.... what will I do when I've finished watching all of Keanu's already out movies?? Will I go insane until February???!??!?!?

I've only got about.... maybe 2 movies left where his character has a big role in the movie, but none that he stars as the main character in! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! The "You see them, I see you" voice on the creepy preview of the site sounds reeeeaaaal good to me right around now. I can't wait all the way to my birthday for the next thing that he's in!!!! And I can't believe that the matrix 10 disc thingy doesn't have his commentary in it. I was hoping it would, but what I understand, is that there's going to be some dude I forget his name, and this other person who hates the matrix who are doing it. *Twitches*

How do you spend the hours? I can't imagine what it'll be like after I finish those two movies, let alone after I've finished all the movies like Youngblood. Reruns reruns and more reruns, I guess.

Oh bummer. This is sad... real sad. How do all the other peope who have liked him for years stand it?? NO MORE NEW MOVIES??!? WHAT WILL I WATCH??


Well, I'll stop rambling on, now... but I'm going to be watching that Constantine preview on loop, perhaps until it comes out.


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