Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Obsessions collide.... (hansah likes saiyuki) thanx to isma for showing me this page, I think it's absolutely hilarious...

"if Goku wuz real I tihnk that he wuld look like Keanu reeves frm Matrix cuz Keanu is hot and so is Goku. N Porkbun would be leik Trinity cuz Neo luvs Trinity an Goku loevs Porkbun so tehy r perfect 4 each othr. Ther love is verry deep leik Neo/Trinty so tahts why they r grate 4 each othr!!!!!!!!"

*Note to Saiyuki fans: I'm not trying to offend anyone by posting this bizarre page, I just thought it was so freakin funny!


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