Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Saturday, September 04, 2004

the Matrix - Fun Stuff

the Matrix - Fun Stuff: "Ms. Zeta is not your 'real' name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Nyx the Fightmeister "

hehehe hey alright! the "fightmeister," Nyx... I can live with that... lol

Awww but unfortunetely Ke wasn't as lucky when I entered his first name!

Mr. Keanu is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

"Phreak the Ex-Boyfriend of Trinity "

But when I put in his full name...

"Mr. Reeves is not your "real" name... but the name the machines gave you. When you free your mind you will be:

Arez the Mind Multiplexer"

HAHAHAHAHAH but OH WHAT FUN it is when I put in just "Neo"

""...Sobek the Digital Pimp!

lol, I could have some fun with this generator...


  • At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey! this is seun!!
    i really cudnt help noticing the name of the blog :) when i first saw it i thought of my friend, who is like chicken crazy!
    byee tc xxxx


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