Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Coolest Freakin Dream

I had the coolest freakin dream last night... yes, Keanu was in it. I was on a boat, one of those boats that are like houses, cept a little bit smaller. Anyway so I forget why, but Keanu was on that boat too! And I got to talk to him forever and ever every morning. I forgot most of what we said though :(

I think we talked about his movies, and about some other non-famous related stuff...

Hehe and ofcourse I didn't fail to tell him in a subtle way that he was freakin awesome.

Dream Keanu was interesting. I got used to him after a while and then it wasn't a big deal that I knew him anymore... I mean, it was still, but- I don't know. I was sad to wake up. I got to say good-bye though, before I left the dream, cuz I got that the dream is ending type of feeling. He said to have a nice trip wherever I was going.

That's nice :)

Oh, and in the dream I had a movie magnet collection. I had a couple of Sweet November ones, and he had some too, for some weird reason in his suitcase, and he gave me one of them...

I'm going to try to design one like that.

It was the regular movie poster, with a slight tint of blue ish to it, around the edges of the people, on white. The words Sweet November were red, "blood red," heh.

I hope I bump into Dream Ke again sometimes :-D


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