Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Sunday, December 12, 2004


SQUEAL! Yesterday was a great Keanuy day! I went and saw Ocean's 12 which RAWKED! It is officially the best movie I've seen in a while. Partly because... hehehe! guess what preview I saw before the movie started? I was hoping and hoping for it all through the previews and then all of the sudden, I see Mr. Constantine's face on the big screen! I let out one fan-like squeal, but screamed inside for the rest of the movie.
Then, I went to the Best Buy in the mall to admire the Matrix box set and to pass the pretty boxes of it. As a matter of fact, I also went to all the other stores to do the same. Then I returned to the all glorious Best Buy. Before I left I visited the register, hopeful. I asked, with an angelic smile... " Do you know where the Constantine promotional discs are?" and he said downstairs, which I knew was probably not true. "Do you know where downstairs?"
"Oh you mean... these?" He held up the small square paper DVD holder with a familiar cover that made my eyes widen.
"Yes!..." I managed to squeal.
"Here it's free."

I ran outta the store like a maniac. Kinda.

I was so excited that I only watched it just now today- I know that's kind of a weird reaction to excitment, but it looked so pretty in it's shiny plastic seal. It must have been my lucky day to bump into so much Constantine.

I really really want to make a long detailed post on it, but not today- I WILL though.

I loved that disc it wasn't just a cheap 10 second, here you go we just put it together now go see the movie in February kind of deal, I thought that it was more like a on the dvd featurette type preview that's actually interesting. I loved how much Keanu there was in the disc, and I don't know if it was just my imagination, but it was funny seeing Keanu in sort of a post Constantine character grumpyness. I loved his short little example of Constantine for us- grabbing his jacket and saying in a Constan-mean way: "alright, here we go again," or something like that.

The angst is delicious.

It's great! Nice and long, for a preview disc, lots of great clips.

I loved the one line where he says to a demon: "My name's John. John Constantine... Asshole"

...More late, promise! I'll give a long detailed juicy review of that disc.


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