Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
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Saturday, July 31, 2004

In pursuit of a good buzz, Hollywood aims to conquer picky comic-book fans - 07/31/04

In pursuit of a good buzz, Hollywood aims to conquer picky comic-book fans - 07/31/04: "�Constantine,� which stars Keanu Reeves as the title character, a vigilante who comes back from the dead to fight evil, had a number of hurdles to overcome at Comic-Con.
Director Francis Lawrence says the movie title was changed from the original �Hellblazer� because it was too close to �Hellraiser,� the horror series about the demon Pinhead.
The look of �Constantine� is also different: Once blonde and British, Constantine is now the dark-haired American Reeves. Lawrence said he felt confident the �Hellblazer� comics lovers could be persuaded to accept the changes.
�I think a lot of fans think we�re out to make this big �Van Helsing,� splashy, effects-laden movie, and it�s not true at all. It�s a character piece,� the director says, referencing a recent fantasy film derided for its silliness. "


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