Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Gah! Blashemy! The lady at the register of Best Buy nonchalantly answered: "I think we're fresh out" (of constantine dvds)

THINK!??? THINK!?!?!?!?

and she didn't look like she was about to go and check.

If I hadn't gotten one the other day I would have bursted into a vicious John Constantine rage today.

Oh well, I'll try to get some for people outside the US from the other Best Buy, and hope that there won't be another lazy register person of descent there.

LOL it's like denying a drug addict their drugs... I'm addicted to Keanu and he can not be denied!!!

Now, back to the matter of the box set... hmmmmmmmmm so much for self-denial and discipline... Keanu is my weak spot... enough is enough- I'll see ONE of the DVDs, I'll ahem, "Preview" the gift, and there will stil be like what 1241232 hours left to watch? It'll be an "early start" on an oh so hard task... chhhh yea right- who am I kidding? Surely not that glorious bust...


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