Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Silence of the wedding bells, sounds of happiness for all us fans!!!

ExtraTV.com We Deliver the Stars: "Meanwhile Keanu Reeves is one of Hollywood's hottest stars and most eligible bachelors, so now at 39, is he finally ready to settle down and tie the knot with his girlfriend, actress Autumn Macintosh?
No -- Keanu himself came to "Extra" to set the record straight, telling us he's not ready to walk down the aisle. Despite a report of wedding bells, for now Mr. Matrix is happy playing the role of the bachelor. "

YES!!! FUCKING YES! YAY... How nice. My day, is now officially made. There is hope for people. Stupid sic, sic rumors. Sigh... relief... happiness...

Now, for a collection of pictures to express my feelings...

Relief Posted by Hello

Celebrate! Posted by Hello

Sigh... you had us worried there for a second, Mr. Reeves! Posted by Hello

Single single single! Posted by Hello

What a nice guy, he saved me worrying time and cleared the rumors. Posted by Hello

Yes! Silly silly rumors... Posted by Hello


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