Hello Chicken

A Moment Of Randomness............Hello Kitty yes, but who's ever heard of Hello Chicken?
A place for all my Keanu madness ^_^

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Well, here I am at 12:08 am, waiting for more news on Beckyband, that's performing tonight. I hope keanu has fun, and I hope his fans there get to really enjoy themselves. I am unfortunetely, here in the North, not there watching them. But that's okay, since it was really my decision not to go to Cali altogether, since I don't think i'd know what to do or expect from going there. I'd either feel out of place, or maybe like I didn't get to do everything I wanted to while there was a chance, and it might be something I'd look back at for a long time. The summary is, I don't really want to ruin the Keanuness that i'm feelin. And i need to take a break from him. I'm not spending this vacation all on watching his movies and stuff. He's gorgousely sexy, beautiful, brilliant, smart even though some people don't know, caring, loving, thoughtful and the list goes on but I won't allow someone to cloud my thoughts for too long. Even if it is him. But if i did let ne celebrity crush do that, the privelege would certainly go to him.

But I really don't see any chance in me getting to know him, so i dunno. Maybe some remarkable miracle will happen, but maybe not. Who knows, right?

lol. okay well i'm going to checkout keanuvision again for updates and/or news.

Bye fore now!!!!
*and i thank ne people out there who actually take the time to read my thoughts :-p


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